Can Feminists Wear Lipgloss?
Can they? I've been wondering for a while. On one hand, it it makes you feel good, why not? And on the other hand, does it lie deeper then that? Is it about giving money to some coperation so you can feel good? I'm a feminist, but I want to wear lipgloss. I mean, when have you ever heard of a feminist who loved shopping?!
Is there such a thing? Can you?
If you want to be a feminist, can you still shop, wear make-up, swoon over boys, wear a push-up bra?
Can you wear high heels, spend your time reading magazines?
Can you study articles about how to get the perfect pout?
Or are feminists not allowed?
I've been thinking about it for a while. Should you have to choose between your lipgloss and your convictions?
Do you have to fit into a sterotype, or can you start a new one?
If anyone knows, can you let me know?
5 Wore Lipgloss:
Just because you're a feminist, doesn't mean you have to give up the girly things in life. A feminist means that you stand for the rights of women, not reject being a women. Hope that made sense.
You can be both....Follow your heart and the rest will fall in place...
Be yourself, there's no laws about being a feminist, otherwise, feminist(ism?) would't exist, its about defying rules set by other people isn't it? Be your own you.
Feminists should partake in liberating activities. Some people think wearign high heels is suffering but others find it to be quite the opposite. Other feminists aren't going to mock your convictions if you actually believe in them. After all, feminism is about being a *woman* not a hairy, stinky huMAN being.
Hey all... Miss Money, I've been meaning to post here and tell you that I admire you for writing this blog, and tackling these questions (about femininism etc) at a young age. Talk about a Real Role Model!
Since I'm a "feminist author," people luuuuv to try to trip me up by asking me to define femininism or say what feminism means today. And my response it usually that it's really simple...and then entirely NOT that simple.
On the one hand, feminism is about equality and respect. Full stop. (that's the simple part). But how that plays out in everyone's lives is so different.
I mean, if you're a well-educated, lucky, comfortable person, your feminisim MIGHT play out in cultural discussions about lipstick etc. And those are IMPORTANT discussions.
But maybe you're someone who works 3 jobs to makes ends meet and has kids and an abusive husband... and you finally decide to just leave the jerk and try to create a safe, positive environment for your kids etc. THAT can be a feminist action too.
So, can feminists wear lipgloss? You betcha. And they can do lots of other things too.....
--Audrey (
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