Can Feminists Wear Lipgloss?

I'm your average teenage girl, who gets withdrawl symptons from her lipgloss, but wants to be a feminist.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Beauty and the Geek

Even though I hate reality TV, I've gotten addicted to Beauty and the Geek. Mainly because I'm so disgusted by it.
I mean, why do you have to choose between looking pretty and being clever?
I'd like to think I'm quite pretty, but I'm also one of the top in my class.
What I've noticved in my school is that the popular pretty girls just don't do well in school. Is it because blondes are dumb or is it something more deep---they're afraid to be clever?
I know I'd probably be made a scapegoat for bullying if I let it happen. Instead, I use having a brain to my advantage. After all, would you even be reading this blog if it wasn't for my computer skills? And it's not just blogs I do this with. After all, why be good with maths if you can't have fun with it?
I mean, I suppose you could call me a geek, but has that stopped me from having friends? Uh, no. See, if someone starts trying to bully you, why not throw a few big words in their faces?

But why is it seemingly so bad to be clever?
Why do so many girls rely on their looks so much?
Is it because they automatically fall into a sterotype? They're afraid to put their hands up in class because they'll seem geeky?
Which brings me back to the TV programme that started this.
See, they're reinforcing my point. They've said they rely on their looks. They've said they don't want to seem geeky.
But, persoanally, I think it's time to start being a bimbo with brains. So, stand up and let your brain be heard! We've really got to STOP thinking as clever as geeky, and start thinking it as another string on your mascara bursh.
Now, I'm off to do my homework.
Right after I finish my hair.

4 Wore Lipgloss:

Wore Lipgloss Blogger molly said...

YES I do think feminists can wear lip gloss. I like to think I'm a feminist and I wear lipgloss.

It's more what's going on in your head

Love your blog, as always

Wore Lipgloss10:24 AM  
Wore Lipgloss Blogger Hannah U. said...

At my school, if you're dumb, you're a reject, I'm serious, thats how it works. With some people even, if you're too good looking, they don't like you as much. I'm not sure which is better, Your problem or mine?

Wore Lipgloss7:14 PM  
Wore Lipgloss Blogger Isabel said...

That show is still on? I caught a few episodes of the first season because I thought that "Richard" guy was adorable.

Wore Lipgloss9:01 AM  
Wore Lipgloss Blogger FashionWhore said...

Nah, not still on. Watching reruns. Richard is funny, isn't he?

Wore Lipgloss10:59 AM  

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