Can Feminists Wear Lipgloss?

I'm your average teenage girl, who gets withdrawl symptons from her lipgloss, but wants to be a feminist.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Girl Bands, etc.

So, The Pussycat Dolls latest single is called "I Don't Need a Man". Why do I have trouble believing that?
Maybe the fact that you are so over-sexualised, and that the video for this involves you running around in your underwear, and taking off clothes?
Seriously, I was wondering if it was the Playboy channel I was watching.
But what worries me is that they're so mainstream---they're the most popular girl band since the Spice Girls. I'm too young to remember them, but weren't they about girl power or something?
All my friends love them. Um, why? I am continually going to my friends "why do you like them?? They're crap!!". To which my friends respond that they're brilliant.
Um. OK.
They can't sing, the song mostly consists of music, then a few lines of them singing I don't need a man/I don't need a ring upon my finger, then them pulling off their shirt or prancing around in their bra.
Now, give me your honest opinion: do you think these girls would be in the charts if they wore jeans?
That would be a N-O.
It's going to be hard to have feminism if we continually have that sort of stuff everywhere we look.

0 Wore Lipgloss:

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