Can Feminists Wear Lipgloss?

I'm your average teenage girl, who gets withdrawl symptons from her lipgloss, but wants to be a feminist.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Things get better and better...

My day? Crap. But I sure cheered up when I logged onto Don't Believe the Hype and saw this:
A teen girl gets active on the skinny model debate..
Y'all have probably seen some comments around this blog from Money Miss... a teen who maintains her OWN coolio blog called Feminism and Lipgloss , where she explores important questions about what it means to be a feminist today for young women....and where wanting to be pretty fits in.

Well, she's industrious that one... and she's started a campaign to ask Teen Vogue to use more realistic models in their fashion pages.

Not only is that a worthy goal ('specially since the teen mag genre is shrinking fast with the demise of Teen People and Elle Girl in the last few months....) but it's also a great cause because Money MIss is a young woman speaking out and trying to create change. If you've read my book All Made Up, you might remember that in Chapter Three (which is all about The Media) I chronicle how magazines REALLY DO tally up all the letters of complaints and praise they get, and take note of that when the plan new stories.

So why not join in and see if we can sway Teen Vogue. Is it possible? Tough to say. I mean, they ARE Vogue after all. But then again, no magazine likes tons of articulate letters telling them what's wrong with their product, and why its subscribers are about to cancel their subscriptions....

Find out more and get involved HERE,

and link to Teen Vogue's website HERE

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