Can Feminists Wear Lipgloss?

I'm your average teenage girl, who gets withdrawl symptons from her lipgloss, but wants to be a feminist.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Think the media has anything to do with it?

In school, self-esteem is low. Basically, everyone feels crappy, wants to feel brilliant....and do what they think will make them that way. It's funny what you can hear in my school---everyone from girls who seem to wants to hide, to girls who need awards, that's how great they are.
"Ohmigod, I feel so bad. I skipped WeightWatchers last night...I have reached the weight I want to be, but I know I'll go up again. It's so annoying! It keeps on happening!"
If you heard this girl in another room, you'd probably picture her as slightly chubby. Guess what? She's stunning, I wouldn't be surprised if she became a model. So what's she doing dieting? And, hello? It's not a healthy way to live. I mean, yo-yo weight? So not good. I mean, come on, we're still growing, for the love of god. So quit it, be happy with who you are.
"Katie, why are you putting so much make-up on? You don't need it, you're as pretty as it is!"
While I'm a feminist who wears make-up, I only wear light make-up---I mean, if I oversleep and can't put it on, I still feel confident. But what this girl was doing in the bathrooms was slathering on a mask. No one should feel so unconfident that they need a whole bottle of foundation to be able to face the world.

So, we've got two different viewpoints---a girl who'll never be happy, because she doesn't like who she is. And a girl who may not know it, but made me think that there's at least one girl in my school who not only looks pretty, but feels pretty.
I mean, can anyone honestly say the media has nothing to do with all this? Do you think if you didn't see constant images beamed at you of skinny girls, with no visible pores, who never get spots, who's hair never frizzes, you'd still feel the same?
I mean, I get low self-esteem sometimes. I'll have five million spots, my hair is kinky, and I have bags under my eyes. Then I'll look in whatever magazine it is, and see these perfect girls looking up at could I not get depressed? I just tell myself that picture isn't real, then eat chocolate or read something fun until I forget I ever though I looked bad.
But not many girls know a lot about all that. They don't think about what happened before and after that picture was taken...that girl had her make-up done, a hair-stylist just for her. Then she had a computer make her look even more flawless...and oh yeah, she's been vomiting up her food.
That's why it has to change. Because it's not just about self-esteem---it's about the things it can lead to. A girl might start smoking to be thin, might stop eating. Or maybe she'll just have her nose slit open to make it smaller, spend a fortune on make-up, and still feel bad. The media may not be responsible for it all, but it's responsible for most of it.

4 Wore Lipgloss:

Wore Lipgloss Blogger molly said...

Hmm, v. interesting.

And the song was Weird Al Yankovich's parody of Chamillionaire's "Ridin'"
You should really download it. It's hilarious.

Wore Lipgloss12:42 PM  
Wore Lipgloss Blogger Tatyana said...

that's why those of us women who feel strongly that we need alternative images should MAKE them! I'm attempting to do this with a documentary I'm directing and more women need to do the same!!

loving your blog!


Wore Lipgloss9:58 AM  
Wore Lipgloss Blogger Psycho Drama Beauty Queen said...

this really stood out to me as although I am skinny a lot of my friends put pressure on me no to eat as much as i do. Although I indulge on foods that many people would never dream of touching due to calorie content, regular exercize and lucky genes I would never say I'm fat. Everyone is orange due to foundation these days. It sucks. Pearl xxx

Wore Lipgloss10:32 AM  
Wore Lipgloss Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was surfing around and found your blog, though this's quita long time since you post it, nevermind i just real wanna leave a comment on this.
It's great, I mean you idea, really... Not so many teens would realise what they're doing is just a creepy fake thing on 'em.
Think you should lead the "BE PROUD" campaign sometimes.

Wore Lipgloss12:11 AM  

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